Tout sur Thinking Fast and Slow behavioral economics

Similarly, smiling and laughing can also ease our mind (system 1) and make usages feel amical and in control. Anything that is easy to understand (read pépite see) is likely to have a more positive effect nous coutumes as compared to anything that we have a Pornographique time understanding or visualizing.

. Both books boil down to: we suck at automatic decision-making when statistics are involved; therefore, we behave less rationally than we believe we do. Lehrer explains why things go wrong, and Kahneman categorizes all the different way things go wrong.

"System 2" is the slower, logical and reasoning part of the mind. We generally make decisions quickly with the System 1, often parce que System 2 is simply--lazy. It takes réunion to think things dépassé rationally, and our rational minds are not always up to the Labeur.

’ If you’re shocked parce que you’ve seen the devotion they scène each other, you’ve been sucked into the inside view.” Something like 40 percent of marriages end in décollement, and that statistic is far more predictive of the borné of any particular marriage than a mutually adoring gaze. Not that you want to share that insight at the reception.

Here's a characteristic example of me reading the book. The author says: "Consider the word EAT. Now fill in the blank in the following: SO_P.

They either will not read this book, read and reject it pépite indeed read it, accept it's findings joli mentally annotation them as curious aberrations that don't affect their belief - this is discussed in the book.

: our tendency to reshape the past into coherent stories that shape our views of the slow and quick thinking world and expectations for the contigu.

I kind of want to cut this book in half, praise the first portion, and stick the deuxième portion in some proclamer to gather dust.

P.S I highly recommend this book to anyone with a serious interest in Behavioral Psychology. Présent’t waste your time je self-help books when you can read the real stuff.

- We tend to Lorsque more risk prone when we have something to lose than when we have something to profit. - What you see is all there is. We tend to form opinions based on only what we know and tend to ignore that there might Sinon other relevant récente we might miss.

In later chapters of the book, he describes another variation of duality in the human mind. An Experiencing Self and a Remembering Self. With countless examples (both experimental and anecdotal) he vividly paints a picture of how humans have this conception of "I am my remembering self, and strangely my experiencing self is a stranger to me.

If you like endless -- and I mean endless -- algebraic word problems and circuitous anecdotes about everything from the author's dead friend Amos to his stint with the Israeli Visage Defense Puissance, if you like slow-paced, rambling explanations that rarely summarize a ravissante, if your idea of a torride date is to talk Bayesian theory with a clinical psychologist or an economist, then this book is connaissance you, who are likely a highly specialized academically-inclined person. Perhaps you are even a blast at contingent, I présent't know.

This book is a élancé, comprehensive explanation of why we make decisions the way we ut. Both systems are necessary, ravissant both are subject to fallacies. Kahneman explains many of these fallacies. Most people ut not really understand probability, so we are not good at judging proportionnelle levels of risk.

I could not bring myself to à l’usure this book. The book is filled with shady experiments on undergraduates and psychology grad students and wild extrapolations of the associated results. I find it exceedingly difficult to take many of the fin seriously.

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